Updates & Resources
A Message From Heart Touch
As we navigate these unprecedented times together, Heart Touch is committed to supporting our volunteers in every way we can. We've consolidated information on this webpage to help share important updates, facts, and resources related to COVID-19. Although the Heart Touch office is closed until the end of July, and all in-person activities are suspended until the end of September, our staff is diligently working from the safety of their homes and operations will continue as normal. We hope you're staying healthy and being kind to one another.

Have a resource to add to this page?
Leave us a comment at the end of this post with a link that you'd like to share and source. This page will be updated weekly. Last Update: 9/16/20
Free COVID-19 Testing is Available to All L.A. Residents
While priority will still be given to those with symptoms, individuals without symptoms can also be tested for free. Sign up at Coronavirus.LACity.org/Testing.
Image Courtesy of City of Los Angeles
Stay Informed
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: cdc.gov
World Health Organization: who.int
County of Los Angeles: covid19.lacounty.gov
County of Los Angeles Public Health: publichealth.lacounty.gov
California Department of Public Health: cdph.ca.gov
COVID-19 tracking across the world: ncov2019.live/data
Los Angeles County residents can also call 2-1-1 for updates and resources.
COVID-19 Is Not The Flu
A Simple Explanation
Disaster / Unemployment Assistance
- The California Department of Employment Development Programs
Provides benefits to those quarantined or sick
California law provides paid family leave, which you may be eligible for if you are providing care for an ill or quarantined family member.
In the event of a particularly long illness, you may be eligible for disability benefits, provided your illness is certified by a medical professional.
Legislative and Tax Resources:
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Program Resources:
LA County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)
CalWORKS: Cash assistance program for families
CalFresh: California's Food Stamp (SNAP) Program
CAPI: Cash assistance program for immigrants
Medi-Cal: Health benefits for individuals and families
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Helpline: (888) 822-9622.
WDACS Programs Page: Overview of services available to older adults
WDACS distributes packaged and frozen meals for older adults at meal sites.
See here for a map of the meal sites with detailed plans for each meal site.
Call 1-800-510-2020 for assistance.
List of local grocery stores offering senior hours.
Critical Food Delivery Sevice (WDACS): call 1-888-863-7411 to schedule temporary pick-up and delivery services to older and/or dependent adults who are unable to leave home due to COVID-19.
GoldenTalk: Assists seniors facing social isolation through warm conversations.
All Together LA (originally Santa Monica Helpers): help seniors run errands, obtain groceries, or lend an ear to listen.
Other Helpful Resources:
America's Job Centers of CA – job openings through the County’s CalJOBS portal