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The Heart Touch Project gratefully acknowledges the financial contributions provided by those who support our mission. Your contribution makes a significant impact in the lives of those who are medically fragile and terminally ill, providing a profound experience and a tremendous gift, both to the patient and therapist. A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, not only by The Heart Touch Project but ultimately by those who experience the compassionate, therapeutic touch from our volunteers. We are grateful for the generosity of those listed below who have made a significant contribution to The Heart Touch Project.

Memorial Funds: Those who donate in memory of their family

The Jean Cooper Memorial Fund
The Laurine DiRocco Memorial Fund
The Doris and Arthur Glick Memorial Fund
The Ernest Leiblich Memorial Fund
The Edith Skeehan Memorial Fund
The Lily Smith Memorial Fund
The Roberta Trousdale Memorial Fund
The Frederick Woods Memorial Fund
The Robert Zeltonoga Memor
ial Fund
The William Zeltonoga Memorial Fund

Heart Touch Heroes: Those who donate $5,000 and above

Diane Cary
Tobey Cotsen

Mike and Jenna King
James Parriot

Shiela Pinkel

René Russo

Companions – Those who donate between $2,500 to $4,999

Karyn Craven

Robert Garant

Cathy Shim

Stephen Shrager
Geof and Laura Wyatt

Nurturers: Those who donate between $1,000 to $2,499

David Bao
Kevin Chapman

Joan Glick-Emery

Laurie Glick
Cindy Gold
Keri Frankenstein
Fred and Lenore Kayne
Shawnee Isaac-Smith
Mario Milch MD

Leslie Miller

Vince Newman
Sheri Rapaport

Kayte Ringer

Andy and Lynn Santamaria

Stuart Smith
Claudia Wong
Jeff and Laura Wyatt

Collaborators: Those who donate between $500 to $999.

Janna Chambers

Brian Cohen

Robin Fujimoto
Christopher Kahn
Jacquie Ochoa-Rosellini 
Ronald Papell

Joel Policzer MD

Daniel Troiano 
Joe and Maryann Skeehan

Helpers: Those who donate between $250 to $499.

Maria Alden
Joseph Berberich

Tina Cameron

Sherry Brourman
Mika Cogdill
Eric Daar MD
Margaret Dettelbach

Tracey Gluck

Joshua Kaye

Craig Leeds
Diedre Lenz

Ralph Mechur

Georgea Muschel

Wes Parker III

Hali Paul
Frank Lutz
Susan Silbert

Susanna Stowell-Massari

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